Truffle operates within the principles and guidelines set out in the below policies and codes. We ensure that they are an integral part of the way we operate and conduct our business.
Policies & codes
The purpose of our policies and codes are to protect client interests and safeguard our reputation by promoting a culture of integrity, honesty, and accountability.
Conflict of Interest
At Truffle, we strive to uphold and adopt the highest ethical standards and values in our business activities and practices. We are firm in avoiding, eliminating, or mitigating conflicts of interest.
Code of Ethics & Standard of Conduct
This code ensures all Truffle employees conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism and act in an ethical manner. Truffle employees take due care, act in good faith, skill and diligence, and apply thought and professional judgement in all aspects of their dealings.
IT, Disaster Recovery, & Business Continuity
This policy describes guidelines for IT security as well as a framework for Truffles’ disaster recovery plan and business continuity. This ensures minimal disruptions to business functions.
Treating Customers Fairly
This code ensures all Truffle employees conduct themselves with integrity and professionalism and act in an ethical manner. Truffle employees take due care, act in good faith, skill and diligence, and apply thought and professional judgement in all aspects of their dealings.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that our clients are given the highest standards of service in resolving complaints. Truffle commits to resolving these complaints in a fair and ethical manner.
Personal Trading
Truffle’s personal account trading takes place in accordance with applicable regulations and best industry practice, thus ensuring we always act in the best interest of our clients.
Gifts & Entertainment
We ensure our business activities are in no way influenced by the giving or receiving of gifts or invitations from third parties and that we comply with all relevant legislation.
Legal information
Promotion of Access to Information Act
Truffle promotes transparency and complies with the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). As part of this commitment, we have made our PAIA Manual available. This document serves as a guide to the process of requesting access to information held by Truffle, which may be required for the exercise or protection of any rights.
Understanding the procedure outlined in the PAIA Manual is crucial for individuals seeking detailed information regarding their financial dealings, policies, or any other matter where such information is needed to assert or protect legal rights.
Truffle complies with the requirements of FAIS, which regulates the conduct of financial service providers within the financial services industry and provides consumer protection regarding financial products.
Personal Information Protection
Truffle acts in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) to ensure the protection of personal information. Our policy documents and records the principles we follow when collecting and processing information and describes the required business activities relating to personal information processing.
Truffle adopts industry and information technology best practices to protect your personal information and ensures that your right to privacy is not infringed in any way nor accessed by any unauthorised persons.
Truffle’s executive management continuously assesses the business environment to determine if our Representatives are meeting the Fit and Proper Requirements in relation to honesty, integrity, competency, and regulatory training requirements, including complying with the provisions of the FAIS Act.
The Collective Investment Schemes (CIS) Control Act regulates and controls the establishment and administration of collective investment schemes in South Africa.
Truffle Asset Management (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 and is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA). Truffle is not authorised to and does not provide financial advice. No information contained on this website should be construed, or relied upon, as advice.
Truffle is the owner of this website and domain name The use of our website and any communications is subject to our terms and conditions. By continuing to browse this website, you are agreeing be bound by our terms and conditions. Any questions concerning our terms and conditions may be addressed to