Our investment team follows a fundamental, valuation-based philosophy and disciplined investment process. This is coupled with a rigorous risk management approach which provides investors with sustainable and reliable investment returns.
Investment approach
Truffle’s investment capabilities span equity, fixed income, and multi-asset portfolios.
Fund range
Our carefully selected range of funds target different investment objectives and are exposed to different levels of risk. Click on each fund name to read more.

*The SCI acronym in the above funds refers to Sanlam Collective Investments.
*The SCI acronym in the above funds refers to Sanlam Collective Investments.
Invest through a platform
Truffle’s unit trust funds are available on several investment platforms.

Institutional offering
Truffle’s institutional offering enables pension funds, asset consultants, high net worth individuals and family offices to tailor their investment strategy. These strategies give investors access to our fundamental valuation-based philosophy which is backed by a rigorous process and team-based approach. By applying this methodology to our bespoke portfolios, Truffle is able to meet client’s desired financial objectives while actively managing downside risk.
Targeted Return
Risk Profile
Fixed Income
Strategy: Fixed Income
This portfolio aims to achieve high yields of income while focusing on preserving capital.
Objective: This portfolio aims to achieve high yields of income while focusing on preserving capital.
STeFI Composite Index
Targeted Return:
STeFI Composite Index
Risk Profile :
Domestic Cautious
Strategy: Domestic Cautious
A deliberate focus on capital protection over the short-term while generating inflation-beating returns over the longer term within Regulation 28 limits.
Objective: A deliberate focus on capital protection over the short-term while generating inflation-beating returns over the longer term within Regulation 28 limits.
20% Capped SWIX, 20% ALSI, 30% ALBI, 30% STeFI
Targeted Return:
20% Capped SWIX, 20% ALSI, 30% ALBI, 30% STeFI
Risk Profile :
Domestic Balanced
Strategy: Domestic Balanced
This strategy invests in a range of selected local securities within Regulation 28 limits to deliver capital growth while minimising risk.
Objective: This strategy invests in a range of selected local securities within Regulation 28 limits to deliver capital growth while minimising risk.
Alexforbes LMW™ Median
Targeted Return:
Alexforbes LMW™ Median
Risk Profile :
Flexible Property
Strategy: Flexible Property
A multi asset property portfolio aiming to deliver growth over the long term through active investment in a property and fixed income assets.
Objective: A multi asset property portfolio aiming to deliver growth over the long term through active investment in a property and fixed income assets.
FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index
Targeted Return:
FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Index
Risk Profile :
Domestic Equity
Strategy: Domestic Equity
A South African equity portfolio aiming for superior long term capital growth.
Objective: A South African equity portfolio aiming for superior long term capital growth.
FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index
Targeted Return:
FTSE/JSE Capped SWIX All Share Index
Risk Profile :
Our philosophy is based on the belief that the market is efficient at valuing companies over the long-term but inefficient over the short term.
As active investment managers, we see an opportunity to exploit the inefficiencies between current price and long-term value. These inefficiencies are not obvious and can be difficult to identify, however, with an experienced team and a rigorous, robust process, it is achievable. Truffle implements one philosophy across the business, and we remain committed to this philosophy through short term market cycles.

Our process centres around understanding and comparing a company’s intrinsic value to its current price.
We estimate the intrinsic value and then determine if a share is trading at a premium or discount based on our research and analysis. This includes evaluating a company’s historic financial performance, industry data, competitor information, and how the market is pricing the share relative to meaningful metrics.
Risk management
We spend a significant amount of time focusing on potential downside risks and understanding the implications of an incorrect outcome.
The risk associated with an intrinsic value is as important as our expected return in making an investment decision.

Portfolio positions
Our portfolio positions are a function of the determined expected returns, intrinsic value conviction, and any risks we have identified through our risk management process.
Portfolios are monitored daily and adjusted on a dynamic basis. Our process is not dependent on short term economic projections which are notoriously difficult to forecast.
Minimum disclosure documents
Unit trust fund factsheets
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