Resilience and ongoing delivery are certainly required to tackle well-established issues and drive economic reform in South Africa.
Resilience and ongoing delivery are certainly required to tackle well-established issues and drive economic reform in South Africa.
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Hedge Funds are collective investment schemes to which the prescribed provisions of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act (Act 45 of 2002) apply.
Investors should take cognisance of the fact that there are risks involved in buying or selling any financial product.
Past performance of a financial product is not necessarily indicative of future performance.
The value of financial products can increase as well as decrease over time, depending on the value of the underlying securities and market conditions.
Illustrations, forecasts or hypothetical data are not guaranteed and are provided for illustrative purposes only.
This document does not constitute a solicitation, invitation or investment recommendation.
Prior to selecting a financial product or fund it is recommended that investors seek specialised financial, legal and tax advice.
[*] is an authorised financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act (Act No. 37 of 2002).
The laws of the Republic of South Africa shall govern any claim relating to or arising from the contents of this document.
*[Please note that if the investment value of a financial product mentioned in the advertisement is not guaranteed, there must be a warning that no guarantees are provided]
We are client-focussed and service-focussed – we believe we are in partnership with our clients. What this means in practice is that you interact with individuals – to whom you can attach a face and a name – as opposed to talking to a different call centre agent every time. In fact, personal, long-term relationships is the foundation of our service and commitment to you.
As a boutique manager, we have access to a bigger investment universe than many of our peers. Being smaller also facilitates great flexibility to act on favourable investment opportunities as they arise, to the benefit of your investment outcomes.
Since the owners of Truffle are involved in the daily management of the business, you can have peace of mind that there is no outside interference by external shareholders in our investment approach and decisions. We can remain focussed on what we believe will deliver the best investment outcomes. This is another way in which we can give you the confidence that our interests are aligned with yours. Strategic decisions are made by the people involved in the daily management of the business, timeously and efficiently.
As shareholders and co-investors in the business, our interests are aligned with those of our clients. This means we are personally committed to the long-term success and sustainability of our business and your investments. No personal account trading is allowed, and all staff invest alongside our clients.
Our team’s track record is evidence of their valuable experience. We find investments that consistently deliver optimal returns for our clients at a competitive fee. We received independent recognition for this when Truffle was award the Best Fund Manager: Smaller Fund Range at the 2022 Morningstar Investment awards. Truffle has also been awarded a total of 6 Raging Bull awards over the years.
Our highly experienced team of investment professionals have core capabilities in the full spectrum of investment products that we offer. In addition, most of our team members have gained experience through numerous economic and business cycles. This experience enables us to assess the reasonability of our assumptions when we make investment decisions, leading to better investment outcomes and sound risk management.