The portfolio aims to provide moderate levels of capital growth by investing in equities, cash, and bonds. Diversification across asset classes and a maximum equity exposure of 75% aids in reducing risk and volatility.
Portfolio Overview
CPI + 4% annually
Targeted Return
Regulation 28
Risk Profile
5 -7 years
Ideal Investment Timeframe
01 December 2016
Portfolio Inception Date
R250 million
Minimum Investment Amount
Why choose this portfolio?
- A well-constructed and diversified portfolio of quality South African assets.
- An actively managed fund with an agile decision-making process.
- A deliberate focus on downside risk with a disciplined risk management process to minimize capital loss.
Investable Universe
A multi asset portfolio that does not invest in offshore assets.
Investment Growth
Returns are gross and are as of 30 September 2024.
Performance data source: © Morningstar.
Investment performance is for illustrative purposes only. Income is reinvestment on the reinvestment date. Investment growth is for the amount of R100 since inception of the portfolio.
The value of investments, as well as any income earned from them, might decline as well as rise. Historical performance is not a predictor of future outcomes. If the currency displayed differs from your local currency, currency movements may cause returns to rise or decrease. Investment objectives and performance targets may not be met, and losses may occur. We advise you to obtain independent financial counsel to ensure that this Fund is appropriate for your investing needs. Performance is not given for share classes that have been in existence for less than 12 months. No assurance is made that any investment will or is likely to produce profits or losses comparable to those obtained in the past, or that losses will be avoided. When compared to other performance charts or marketing material, the charts presented may utilize various Sector performance start dates, resulting in slight discrepancies.